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Shin Bet Chief Warns Ben Gvirs Al Aqsa Raids Causing Incalculable Damage To Israel


Shin Bet Chief Warns Ben-Gvir's Al-Aqsa Raids "Causing Incalculable Damage" to Israel

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Heightened Tensions Fuel Concerns Over Religious Violence

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Al-Aqsa, a Contested Holy Site at the Heart of the Conflict

** The recent raids by Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem have sparked deep concern within Israel's security establishment, according to a report by The Times of Israel. The Shin Bet, Israel's domestic intelligence agency, has reportedly warned that Ben-Gvir's actions are causing "incalculable damage" to Israel's security and diplomatic standing. The agency believes the raids are inflaming tensions and increasing the risk of religious violence. **

International Condemnation and DiplomaticFallout

** The raids have drawn widespread international condemnation, with the United States, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates expressing disapproval. The actions have also strained Israel's relations with the Palestinian Authority, which has suspended security cooperation in response. The raids have heightened fears that they could trigger a wider conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. In recent years, tensions have been simmering over the status of Al-Aqsa, which is sacred to both Muslims and Jews. **

Experts Warn of Long-Term Consequences

** Experts believe that Ben-Gvir's raids could have far-reaching consequences for Israel. They argue that the actions are undermining the country's image as a moderate democracy and alienating its allies in the region. Furthermore, the raids could lead to a resurgence of violence in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where Palestinian militant groups have already condemned the actions. **

Calls for Moderation and Restraint

** In light of these concerns, there have been calls for moderation and restraint from both Israeli and international leaders. The United States has urged both sides to avoid actions that could further escalate tensions. The Shin Bet's warning is a stark reminder of the potential consequences of allowing religious extremism to drive policy. The agency's concerns underscore the need for responsible and diplomatic leadership to prevent a slide into further conflict.
